Going Deep Series, Romans 1


God's Power To Turn Action Into Addition


The more knowledge you have the more powerful you become. 

What we know will influence how much power we exact in this world. 

Going Deep Series



We understand knowledge is power. We say that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful, it makes a difference in our life.  Knowledge is power that is why you have to go deep.   If you don't go deep, don't wonder why we live lives that great things don't happen.  For great things to happen there has to be power, for there to be power there has to be knowledge.  You can have power at any age because you have knowledge at any age.  You have to willing to go deep.  If we are going to transform this culture you have to go deep which means we have to have knowledge and power to make a difference.  When we talk about power in the gospel, for us when we pinpoint it to our lives it is found in the salvation.


God's Power To Turn Action Into Addition

God acted in his Son on our behalf, and his action brought about our addition into his family.  God's power in salvation gave us his spirit to turn our actions into addition.   The promise of salvation is this, where ever there is life in Christ every action will lead to addition.


Romans 1:11-17


11 I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

Paul is writing to the roman community. How does God bring about action and addition through salvation? 

A) Motivating Us: 

The salvation that we have in Christ, the stories that you read in the Bible, the experiences you have with others should motivate you to this Truth.  That God is a re-warder of those who eagerly and diligently seek him.  Paul spent his life on the road, traveling going out to the farthest part of the roman empire to preach the gospel to those who have never heard the gospel and to try to keep up a network of those churches that were just beginning to grow and take off to strengthen them.  The spiritual gift he is referring to is to impart some spiritual blessing, to do something that matters to them.  Paul is saying to this salvation is a salvation that motivates us.  That lets us know that just showing up we could be a blessing to other people.  We need to be motivated by knowing that when you and I are together in Christ, God is going to bring addition because that is what salvation does.  It keeps adding to us in God's Kingdom.  The salvation of Christ makes men and women strong, power makes you strong if it is the right power.  God has ordained it that there is no strength in separation, if we just try to look after ourselves, we will remain weak.  The gospel is come give your life to Christ and then go out and give your life for Christ.


13 I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had amoung the other Gentiles.  13 I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.  15 That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome. 


 B) Obligating Us:

Notice the word in the Passage, 

"I am obligated…" 

Why is he obligated? Because of what God has done for him and he knew that's what God wants him to do for others.  You take something that is powerful and in your part you make it powerful by doing something powerful, we are obligated out of love because that is what love does.  Paul was obligated to God, and he flet that obligation to the people around him.  To the Romans, he saw their need.  I'm obligated to care about the people I don't care about, I'm obligated to the people that don't care about me.  The power of salvation is the power of action that God turns into addition, and so its a power that motivates us, obligates us.


16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 

C) Stimulating Us: 


Paul is not afraid, he is not ashamed of the gospel, he is not afraid why?  Because it is powerful, if Christ is for us then who can be against us?  It stimulates us, it encourages us, it bolsters us, it fill us with the pride of God's power to do anything.  We need each other, we need people praying, and spirituality encouraging and holding the rope, but at the end of the day we play to an audience of one.  The courage to give up our money, to give up our time, the courage to suffer indignities because we are not ashamed of the gospel. Salvation is addition to the world.

17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed - a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." 

D) Fascinating Us: 

What's so fascinating about this power we have in Christ?  From the beginning to end, it comes in faith.  You can be and you can do great things.  You can do powerful things, and you don't have to go to the gym, you don't have to get on an organic diet, you don't have to be fashion conscientious. You can do great and powerful things just by faith.   The fascinating thing about the gospel of Christ is all we have to do is believe and follow and God does the rest. 

You can take any other religion and you don't get this.   They have a god you serve to get.  

In Christianity we have a God we serve to give, not to get because we already have. 

I. Confidence:

I really believe this is true, I really believe that my salvation is not to just to get saved but to get saved and to engage in saving actions on Christ's behalf and in his power. 

II. Conviction:

I'm committed to people around me I am committed to God. 


III. Courage:

I have to act in courage, I have to do things that I am afraid to do, and trust that God's Power will turn it around. 

IV Contentment:

I have to be content, that in God's timing and living in faith I'll have everything God wants me to have and I'll have more than I could ever dream of or imagine. 

Don't Live with the notion that salvation is just the power to move you to another place after you die.  It's action that leads to addition and it's only there that you find real satisfaction.

Notes taken by: lorelllawrence@comcast.net

Any errors or miscommunication please refer to me not the pastor, the intent is for you to have the notes for review in the series, also to reflect on during the week.

God Bless, 


Service by: Pastor Frederick Williams